Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Psalms 145:5 I will speak of the glorious honour of thy majesty, and of thy wondrous works.
He is with us in the big and the small...He was in the sunrise this morning, and in the birdies singing their praise to HIM.
He was in the drive to work and the beauty of a new day beginning. He was in a co-worker that had been on vacation and was back and greeted you like they really missed you.
He was in the quiet time this morning in devotion. He was with me as I walked in the bldg and along the way noticed the pretty tulips.
HE was with the sales rep that just brought me a $10 Starbucks gift card, just cuz!
He is with the emailer that sent an e-card just to say I love you and I miss you.
He is all around us, have you noticed. Every detail of every day is ordered by HIM!
HE is in the Blogs so that we can keep in touch and enjoy each others lives from afar. HE is with you right now, be still, can't you feel HIS presence, OH GLORY TO GOD. HE is AWESOME!
He was with me last night at the rest home, we had a lively discussion on 18th and 19th chapters of Revelation!
He brought my stray dog to come visit me last night, HE knew I was missing him.
He knows our every need, He knows what we will need to make it through another day of service to Him. He can and will take care of us...IF...we let Him...AMEN!
Be blessed bloggers, look up and Thank Him....HE IS HERE, hallelujah, AMEN 'WAHOOO'


Kasey said...

I know who the emailer is :p

Juls4Him said...

Sister Katie, do you go to the rest home by yourself or some from the church? How often do you get to go? It's such a blessing isn't it?

Katie said...

I go every other Monday night after work. I love the folks that come in for bible study..I have two that know the Bible backwards and forwards, we have some lively discussions on what we "think" the Lord is meaning in the scriptures.
Yes, it is a blessing.