Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Soon and Very Soon

Good Morning, I have nothing nearly as exciting as Sis Horne. But blog I shall anyway.
Tonight is one of my favorite times. It is our local church youth nite...which also mean GLEANERS. One of the reasons I think I enjoy gleaners so much is that it is a time for me to be a kid again right along with them. The wonder in seeing things through a childs perspective, is nothing short of a miracle.
Tonight we are going to talk on the Parable of the Sower. I am so looking forward to what they come up with, they have such wonderful, pure views on things. Some are so ernest and some are just silly, but that is the fun of being a child of God....anyway I do go on.
Soon and very soon bloggers, we are going to see the Lord! I was thinking about the VASTNESS of God's universe! And the network, if you will for lack of a better word of Brothers and Sisters all over the world. WE are ALL linked together by our love of our Lord and HIS church. When I am hurting or happy, whatever it may be, someone, somewhere is feeling the same way and with that, prayer goes up one for another....with the technology we have we can stay in touch and share in each others lives. At a moments notice we can be praying for each other, as the Lord leads....on the same hand, we can be a hindrance! I think of the song, be careful little eyes what you see, be careful little ears what you hear.....it goes on...BE CAREFUL! We are linked to one another, what I see, what I hear, What I do, What I SAY...can and will effect the whole body!
We Stand before a JUST God, He knows our every thought. He knows our very heart. HE KNOWS! HE KNOWS! HE KNOWS!
We all have struggles, some more than others, none the less we all have struggles. I think of those who have gone through so much more than I, yet they are the very ones to comfort me. To all of you, God Knows and HE will make away. He already has, we just have to wait on Him for HIS perfect timing. We will win this race on the firing line, when you get tired, I will step in front of you, and visa versa. We have come to far to relax now. WE are almost HOME Church....Soon and very soon.


Momma Tammi said...


Juls4Him said...

Yes Sister...this is very much needed advice...we MUST be careful how we affect each other. I have been praying that these blogs would be a help and encouragement to others and that we can get more folks involved (doesn't have to be frequent...just keeping in touch with the body). Very good post here!