Friday, April 28, 2006

WAHOO, Thanks for the feedback!

God is so good.
This past Wednesday, I think, hmmm! Was secretaries day. Not sure if that was title given, but anyway to make a long story short. Here at work, I am a sales asst in the govt sector. We produce world class computers and sell Third party items...the two sales rep that I work for specifically brought in a beautiful boquet of fresh cut flowers and lunch. It was thier way of saying thankyou for a job well done. It was such a nice surprise and so made me feel special...I think that sometimes we need to be shown that we are special and of value to others.
Just like our relationship with Jesus, the time we spend with him, in prayer and study tells Him how much we love Him, desire Him and need Him.
As we go into this weekend, remember to tell someone or show someone that they are special to you. It doesn't have to be flowers or a lunch, it could just be a phone call or dropping a card in the mail. As Jesus is our encourager, let us take his lead and encourage others.
Sis Julie, I adore you and appreciate your comments.
Sis Tammi, I know that you are going to have a GREAT youth convention, tell Papa hello, that we love him and miss him.
Sis Smith, you have got a deal! If I ever get over that way I will be on your doorstep!
Wahoo. Happy weekend to all, love and prayers, sis katie.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Comments Requested

Ok bloggers, I need feedback....a little birdie told me that my blogs are like mini devotionals. That the blogs should be about my life, things I do, have done, looking forward to doing. Stuff that happens on a daily basis. Beings I am new at blogging, any comment provided on this subject is greatly appreciated....regards, sis katie.

Joy, Unspeakable and Full of Glory

WAHOO, it is good to be back.
I have been down the last several days. I have discovered that there are times that it is just best not to think! Some days it is just best to keep doing and not think about the what ifs!
In devotion time this morning, I realized that I am a child of God, I am made in HIS image. He knows what He is doing. He doesn't need me, but HE chose me. It is so humbling to know that HE would want me. I am nothing, yet HE found me, dusted me off and washed me up. Why? Why not?
The Bible says if I don't cry out and praise Him, the rocks will! Each morning, I hear the birdies singing their song of Praise to the Lord...HE knows about the birdies, HE hears their offering of sweet Praise. This morning, I praise my Lord, I thank HIM, because I want to, because in praising Him, the very act brings Joy to my soul, the very act floods my senses with, what a Mighty, loving, Just God we serve. The Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.......WAHOO.
He knows of us, He is acutely aware of each of us. Let us bring honor and glory to His name today and everyday.....As time goes by and we each are one day closer, one heart beat closer to eternity, let us look up with longing, let us get the work done, let us be at the front of the battle, with our hearts and our minds totally devoted to Him, and His Church. Joy unspeakable comes from HIM, full of glory, HE is.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


So much going on, so much to do, so much need, so little time. These last 3 days have been at best really "EMOTIONAL"! YIKES!
I am reminded of the story of the farmers mule who fell into a hole, the farmer cannot figure out how to get him out, so decides to bury him alive! The old mule realizies what the farmer is doing and with every shovel full of dirt that hits his back, he shakes it off, until before he knows it there is enough ground under his feet to step out of that Christians, there are going to be times when we feel BLAAAAAAAAA, but the only way to get out from under that feeling is to shake it off and go to the feet of our Lord and Savior....AMEN
BLOGGERS have a special day today and every day in the Lord. God Bless you each and everyone......SHAKE IT OFF!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Hello All,
Just time for a quick blog...Please pray for Kasey she is home sick and prayers to one and all, sis katie.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Life after KIDS!

I find it interesting that once we take our eyes off of ourselves, our problems, our trials, and focus on helping others how quickly our lives turn back to being positive! HMMM, Amazing!
I am referring to how much a part of my life my daughter was and still is. When she married and moved away from home, and I mean AWAY! My life seemed at best, OVER! The first six months was a real trial emotionally, spiritually, and physically!
A warning to all starting your families, they do grow up and they do move away, if you start preparing yourself now, maybe it won't be so hard when IT happens! Hee Hee!
Daddy and I had melt down. He threw himself into making changes around the home. I threw myself into trying to adjust, to feeding critters alone, having the vet and horseshoer come and not having any help to handle the critters. The dealing with the sick critters was especially hard. The times coming to and going home from Church were equally hard. The setting down to dinner all alone. The utter times of total falling apart when someone would ask how is she doing and not even noticing that I was in a holding pattern...oh my, WOE IS ME!
Not to make light of this, but life does go on. YES, I miss my daughter and I miss my son in law, but God has a purpose for each of us. He knows the beginning from the end. He knows what is best for us and HIS ways are higher than our ways. His understanding is BIGGER than ours. He KNOWS what we need before we DO!
I am thankful this morning because HE could see that I needed to learn to lean on HIM and not Kasey! Phew, Thank you Lord, for your goodness, your mercy and your long suffering! AMEN!
To all of you our there in blog land who's children have left home and left you in a heap of desolation! Take comfort in the fact, that GOD is ABLE to restore you back to a life full of service to HIM. After all HE gave us those children or child to train them up in HIM.
Now, pick yourself up, go take a shower, have a cup of coffee and then get busy in what HE has for you to do, then, PRAISE THE LORD, PRAISE THE LORD and PRAISE THE LORD!
God Bless you each one, may your weekend be blessed and full of service to Him and to the ones HE puts in your path.....WAHOO!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Good Morning Blogville...WAHOO.
What a pretty day it is starting out to be.
I love springtime, the birds are singing first thing in the morning, the trees are starting to blossom and the air is ssssssssooooooooooo fragrant!
I love looking out my bathroom window at my horses, with there soft muzzles to the ground eating green grass. I love the smell of warm horses, I love how their whiskers tickle my skin as they search for carrotts!
I love the feel of spikey (my youngest doggie) nuzzled up to me and his first greeting in the the morning. I love it when my stray dog (Larry) comes knocking at the door at night asking to come in and how happy he is to see me. OH BOY! I love the smell of fresh mown hay and the smell of the earth as the rain pelts it's surface!
I love it when my son in law calls and talks to me about his day and what he is doing at work or what vehicle he is working on.
I love when my husband calls me at work and says "HEWOO"!
I love the fact that I can read all your blogs and be encouraged or be lifted up by the things going on in your lives and sometimes how parrallel they are to my own.
I love how each new day and each new experience is a reflection of the Lords love to me. I love the feeling of knowing my prayers have reached heaven. I love the feeling of knowing HE is there and HE knows of me!
I am so grateful to know the Lord. I ssssssssooooooooooooooo appreciate HIS goodness and long suffering towards me, His mercy and His grace.
I love you kasey baby!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Sometimes the TRUTH hurts

Good Morning Bloggers
We all need the Lord, AMEN! The sky is beautiful this morning, it holds a promise of a beautiful day. As does the Lord to each of us when we turn out lives, our hearts and our minds over to is a beautiful morning every morning with the Lord. Yes there are times when we will pull the covers back over our heads, roll over, and groan, but for the most part those times get better as we turn our thoughts and prayers to the Lord, AMEN.
We had a blessed service last night. It was VLB night. Bro Coby talked about the Lord knowing those that are HIS, 2nd Tim 2:19, and how the times of ignorance are past, Acts 17:30 and He that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, James 4:17. We are in a time when we need to get to gettin the work done. One way or another The Church will go on. I am humbled to think of this, the work will get done with or without me, the choice is mine as is it each of yours. We must take up our cross and hold up the standard of The Church, to all we come in contact with...if I don't HE will find someone who will, AMEN.
I love the Lord and HIS Church, I love HIS People.
To each of you in Blog Land today....GOD BLESS you and keep you.
We are in the Army of the Lord, FORWARD MARCH!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Present

I came across this story this morning, hope you all will enjoy it. If you have read it before, read it and prayers, sis katie.

A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted. As graduation day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautifully wrapped gift box. Curious, and somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young man's name embossed in gold.
Angry, he rose his voice to his father and said "with all your money, you give me a Bible?" and stormed out of the house.

Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful home and wonderful family, but realized his father was very old, and thought perhaps he should go to him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care of things. When he arrived at his father's house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to search through his father's important papers and saw the still gift-wrapped Bible, just as he had left it years ago.

With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. His father had carefully underlined a verse, Matt.7:11, "And if ye, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Heavenly Father which is in Heaven, give to those who ask Him?" As he read those words, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer's name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words


How many times do we miss God's blessings because we can't see past our own desires?

Friday, April 14, 2006

Good Friday

Good Morning One and All,
As we start into this weekend, consider ALL that our Lord and Savior went through and endured for us, all those years ago. He did so willingly, because He wanted to obey The Father, because, He loved us so much, He wanted to make a way for our eternal salvation, because, He, was and is JESUS. Take time this day and reflect on what HE has done for you, and then take the time to Thank Him and to Worship Him, then remember to tell someone of His great love for them.....AMEN...
GOD BLESS You, and have a Blessed Easter.


From a strictly mathematical viewpoint:
What Equals 100%?

What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?

Ever wonder
about those people who say they are giving more than 100%?

We have all been
in situations where someone wants you to give over 100%.

How about achieving 101%?

What equals 100% in life?

Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these



Is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.


H-A-R-D-W-O-R- K
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%


11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%


1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%

AND, look how far the love of God will take you

L- O-V-E-O-F-G-O-D

12+15+22+5+15+6+7+15+4 = 101%

Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that:

While Hard work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get
you there, it's the Love of God that will put you over the top!


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Good Morning to all, as I read your blogs, i am struck with the thought that we are all so different but yet we are all so alike....we serve the same God, we listen to the same sweet Holy Ghost and we have the same sweet Jesus living in out hearts.....God truly has a sense of humour, just look at all of the different personality types that HE has gathered together! All gathered to encourage and exhort, to feel each others pain and to celebrate each others victories.....WAHOO, what a MIGHTY GOD we serve.....have a wonderful day in HIM.

Monday, April 10, 2006

I have the bestess daughter! She helps me with this tech blog had quit doing what it was supposed to do last friday.,.... i was I asked her to make it better...and that is EXACTLY what she did...WAHOO KASEY!
Hello all, hope you had a good weekend and that your services were blessed. Let's remember to hold each other up in prayer as the Lord leads...many of you I have not met, but the Lord reminds me to pray for those on the blog, that may sound silly, but it is true....I love and appreciate my church family, even though we may have not met, there is a closeness from the Lord, binding us together...Let's remember to pray for our un-saved loved ones. Let's remember to encourage one another....and Let's remember Soon and very Soon we are going to all be together for that meeting in the sky...God Bless you and keep you each and everyone.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

WAHOO friends in our prescious Lord and Savior......WAHOO.
What a time was had in the Lord this weekend. With the Ryan's here from Zion Hill. Each session got better and deeper. Visiting with different ones from the region, it was a huge blessing to see the fire for the Lord is alive and well, GLORY to GOD. Sister Jill shared of a Holy Ghost message, went like this..."I see what you see and you see what you see, but, you don't see what I see". That so inspired me to continue on in Him. It is true if we can just keep the faith and keep moving forward for Him and in HIM, we too will be able to see what HE sees!
I love the Lord friends and I love HIS Church. Bro Wilda says that it is not business as usual anymore at The Church of God.....Let's press in, let's get the work done...I long to go home, I long to see Jesus face....i long to have grammy's arms wrapped around me again.....let's get the work done, so we can start the celebration of eternal life with our great and mighty King of Kings and Lord of Lords.....wahoo. GLORY TO GOD....AMEN