Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Please pray for me. I have a meeting tonight at 6 PM MST. The Lord knows. It is crucial that HIS will be accomplished, achieved and maintained. That every word spoken would GLORIFY HIM....Thank you in advance for your prayers.
God Bless you each and every one today.


Juls4Him said...

Sister Katie, I sure will be praying! I know that when we put things in front of the Lord that are important and take His will seriously, He is ever faithful to come through with just the right answer! Keep looking are special to me too! Love, sis Julie

Momma Tammi said...

I'm sorry, I didn't get a chance to read your blog until now at 11:00 P.M., but I did pray that God would give you wisdom during my devotions earlier today, so I do hope that your meeting went okay.

♥ Vikki Dreams♥ said...

I have enjoyed looking over your blog. Your love of God shows thru and is a pleasure to read.
God bless you

( Rachel's Mama )

Momma Tammi said...

Sis. Katie, is everything all right or have you just been terribly busy? Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you, missing you and praying for you. Have a wonderful Mother's Day!