Wednesday, May 03, 2006


In our daily lives, we, I, have a tendency to take things into my own hands. I know the promises of God, I know what HE has told me. But, that one word, But!
Abraham was promised when he was 75 that he would be a father, and not only a father but a father to so many that the sands could not number them all. It wasn't until he was a hundred years old, that he bacame that father to the start of those sea of faces, God's appointed one and HIS appointed time. 25 years Abraham waited on the Lord. Was that wait easy? NO! We see that Sara, tried to take matters into her own hands by giving Abraham her hand maiden!
Isn't that exactly what we do, I do, sometimes! Well, here God let me give you a hand on getting things done!
When Moses was up with the Lord with the ten commandments and he came back down from the mtn only to find the people carrying on like they shouldn't. He was so upset he broke the tablets. Yes, Moses felt better, right at that moment. But, he made more work for himself.
Some of us have been praying for a long time about things. WE can do as Sara and Moses did, do it our way, or, get upset. OR, we can wait on the LORD.
I want to get to the point, that I CAN and I WILL allow the Lord, HIS timing! Don't you? Seems, we are always in such a rush, that we over look the things God has set in order. At least I do!
I want that faith, to just let go and let God. I have family members that say they are Christians, but they are not living for Christ. My dear husband, does not serve the Lord. I want to live my life in such a way that it is first and formost pleasing to the Lord and then to draw others to HIM.
How do I do that? By keeping still and waiting on the Lord. By having the faith to not doubt HIM. By getting out of HIS way, so HE can do the work and finish the work HE has started.
I know HE is able, but, I want to be able to back away, to watch and pray and to wait on HIM.
No we can't have the attitude that HE will do it all. We have to do our part. I have to do my part, by praying, daily reading, by witnessing and by loving ALL, HE puts in our path. AMEN.
Those that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength, they shall mount up as wings of Eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Thank you Lord for teaching me to wait.
As I pray for you, pray for me, that I can wait upon the LORD. God Bless you this day. Amen.


Momma Tammi said...

AMEN! What a wonderful devotion to start the morning. Thanks for sharing it.

Juls4Him said...

Yes Sister Katie, waiting is so important! Letting patience have her perfect work isn't always easy but it sure does pay off when we do it! I know that prayer and waiting will pay off in seeing our loved ones come into the fold. Thanks for sharing this morning...very good thoughts!