Wednesday, April 26, 2006


So much going on, so much to do, so much need, so little time. These last 3 days have been at best really "EMOTIONAL"! YIKES!
I am reminded of the story of the farmers mule who fell into a hole, the farmer cannot figure out how to get him out, so decides to bury him alive! The old mule realizies what the farmer is doing and with every shovel full of dirt that hits his back, he shakes it off, until before he knows it there is enough ground under his feet to step out of that Christians, there are going to be times when we feel BLAAAAAAAAA, but the only way to get out from under that feeling is to shake it off and go to the feet of our Lord and Savior....AMEN
BLOGGERS have a special day today and every day in the Lord. God Bless you each and everyone......SHAKE IT OFF!


Juls4Him said...

Hi Sister Katie,
I sometimes think about that mule too. It's a good analogy to think about when we need to climb out from under. I'll pray for you today that you will victoriously climb on out of that pit and see the sunshine!
Love in Jesus,
Sis. Julie

Katie said...

oh Sis Julie, I adore you, thank you for your thoughtfullness, (is that a word)? Have a blessed day in HIM.
Sis Katie.