Thursday, April 27, 2006

Joy, Unspeakable and Full of Glory

WAHOO, it is good to be back.
I have been down the last several days. I have discovered that there are times that it is just best not to think! Some days it is just best to keep doing and not think about the what ifs!
In devotion time this morning, I realized that I am a child of God, I am made in HIS image. He knows what He is doing. He doesn't need me, but HE chose me. It is so humbling to know that HE would want me. I am nothing, yet HE found me, dusted me off and washed me up. Why? Why not?
The Bible says if I don't cry out and praise Him, the rocks will! Each morning, I hear the birdies singing their song of Praise to the Lord...HE knows about the birdies, HE hears their offering of sweet Praise. This morning, I praise my Lord, I thank HIM, because I want to, because in praising Him, the very act brings Joy to my soul, the very act floods my senses with, what a Mighty, loving, Just God we serve. The Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.......WAHOO.
He knows of us, He is acutely aware of each of us. Let us bring honor and glory to His name today and everyday.....As time goes by and we each are one day closer, one heart beat closer to eternity, let us look up with longing, let us get the work done, let us be at the front of the battle, with our hearts and our minds totally devoted to Him, and His Church. Joy unspeakable comes from HIM, full of glory, HE is.