Friday, June 02, 2006

On a Mission!

Good Morning One and All.
I am on a mission this morning. It is 6:12AM. I am at work. I am taking my lunch hour at 7:30 this morning, to go to a ...... Yard Sale!
I have been faithfully looking for a Day Bed for my craft room. In yesterday's paper, there were two listed in the Yard Sale section. They are in close proximity of one another, so hopefully, I will find one to my liking!
I just about had Mr Leonard talked into going for me, but he admitted last night that he was afraid he wouldn't get it right. Which I can appreciate. Ladies, has your husband or father or boyfriend ever sent you to the Auto Parts Store, only to realize as you return back with the part, that it turns out to be the WAY wrong part?
So, I am off to the yard sales!
Keep your eyes on the Prize.....AMEN.


Juls4Him said...

I'm prayin for your success and will look for a good report later! God is always good to give us the right item when we have asked Him so I know if these two aren't it, it will be coming soon! Hugs!

Katie said...

PTL. Mine is a bargain hunter too, unfortunately he is clueless about things for the house...I'll keep him though....didn't find what i was looking for. Have a couple of leads to follow tomorrow. Have a blessed day, Sis Vick.

Bruiser, LOL. Blonde is right, me too! Have a wonderful day in HIM.

Sis Julie, thank you for your prayers, still looking. God Bless you this day and every day.