Monday, June 12, 2006

Back from CAMP

Well, it is good to be home. I have missed all of you and it has taken me all morning to get caught up with your blogs.
It has been 4 years since I have gone to family camp. What a blessing this camp was for me. I pray for those attending as well.
I LOVE our Spanish brothers and sisters. I have missed them SSSOOOOOOOOOOO much!
Our theme this year was Safari and "Hunt for Truth"!
Bro David and Sis Cathy Hendricks, as well as Bro Ted Kaufman from Montana, Bro Paul Pino from Lewiston and Sis Martha Gallivan from Nampa provided outstanding meals.
Our Deans, women, Sis Sybil Adams and Sis Korina, men, Bro Chuck Slack and Bro Oscar Pimentel, Our camp Evangelist was Bro Kevin Wilson.
I appreciate Bro Kevin, It was first time for me to set under his preaching. He doesn't sugar coat anything. He is a young man and he has a way of reaching the very young and old alike..Thank you Lord for Bro Kevin.
I learned some very interesting things about some Family camps from the past!
As the legend goes, there was a Family Camp held in McCall at a Camp Ground called Quaker Hill...It seems that one idustrious camper tied bed sheets together to sneak out the 2nd story window....Another legend goes about how a certain camper used to really enjoy helping with KP, especially the scraping of excess food off of the trays, until it was discovered that they were really using that KP as a cover for holding a certain boys hand under the food trough! Just those two for now!
I cannot remember the exact count, but I think it was in the neighbor hood of 78.
One of the camp highlights was when the 4 to 11 years olds went on a "safari". One of the guides who shall remain nameless, brought them around a bend and came across and crocodile pit, this paticular guide knowing the treachery of the situation leaped into the air and landed full body weight onto this crocodile and proceeded to wrestle him, till he was able to get the duck tape securely taped around his mouth! The brother of this guide had gone ahead and positioned this paticular blow up croc in a sort of muddy, watery hole, imagine the guides surprise when he found himself covered in MUD!
Another camp high light was when certain staff members were auctioned off to the highest bidder! What the campers didn't realize was what their true prize would be!
One camper for his $ received a 30 minute canoe trip around the lake....Gracie, ask Paul about this one!
Other campers pooled their funds and were able to purchase the kitchen staff, they received a box of twinkies, which had had different ingredients put into the center for unsuspecting campers to bite into, also they received a box of homemade goodies.
Our camp directors were auctioned off and their bidder received a very true rendition of a Sony and Cher classic, I've got you Babe! Hilarious. Of course it was heard that some of the campers were asking..."who is Sonny and Cher"!
This year we had our share of pranks, some of the more notable ones....the girls stole the shower curtains from the mens/boys bathrooms. Bro Chuck stated he was half awake this paticular morning when he realized he was in the shower looking directly across from the Camp Director...hee hee, he mentioned that it was a shocker! Some of the girls had their mattresses thrown up onto the cabins roof!
Yours truly was notified by the head cook that there was a special piece of cake for me, with extra whipping cream, this should have been my first tip off....but, I didn't get it, so i pick up my cake and even take it to the cook to make sure i had the correct one...i was enjoying the conversation at the table and noticed the kitchen staff facing be from across the dining hall, still didn't get it. Finally get ready for the cake and the whipped topping has slid off of cake so put it back on, still not figuring it out....then i start to spread whip cream so it is even on top of cake and hmmmmmmmmm, there is something different, like something hard, one of the cooks who shall remain nameless, had put a white gummy rat in my topping..................EEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
Of course all sorts of food pranks were played. Campers had everything taken from their cabins and relocated...i could go on, but I am sure you have all been there done that. ONE camper took his clear toothpaste and spread it on the toilet seats of the girls bathhouse....only thing is the first to get their was a staff member...she remarked that she hoped it wasn't super glue and then noticed this minty aroma!
The services were moving, we had one camper stand and testify that he had thought he was sanctified last year, but soon found out that he wasn't, this year he stood and said he had been sanctified. My bidder stood and testified that he had received the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
It was great fun and very Edifying as well. The time spent with brothers and sisters in the Lord was a total blessing....IT IS GOOD TO BE HOME.....


Momma Tammi said...

Sounds like camp was absolutely wonderful! Praise the Lord!

Katie said...

Yep, "Legends" would be the correct word....tee hee ya doing, praying for ya.

Pauly said...

I'm happy to say I didn't get caught once this year! *clearing throat* Not to say I was in on any of those pranks that happened that week. ;) I'm no trouble maker! he he

wemmies said...

I came to see where you have been.. now I know! haha! Sounds like you had a blast! :)

Katie said...

Pauly, FYI..i know, i know, i know!
Just so you KNOW...yours truly was watching out for you...The morning I served breakfast, they had a little treat for you...however in my old age, hmmm, i seemed to forget to serve it to you!!!!