Monday, June 05, 2006

Happy Monday

Good Morning One and All.....My mission is half accomplished! Saturday morning I went to a yard sale that had THE day bed I had been looking for, it was basically BRAND new. They had a price tag of $50 on it, I offered them $40. This bed did NOT have the mattress with it..To make a long story short, they accepted my offer...YAHOO!
It is JUST what I wanted....Thank you Lord.
I had to call MR Leonard to come pick it up for me, which he did. I continued on with some shopping and got home to find that my MR Leonard had taken down the futon and had put up the day bed....OH, I was so HAPPY. THE LORD REALLY BLESSED ME!
Now the search is on for the mattress and of course the perfect bedding. I like this bed, because it does not have one of those under the frame mattress thingys. It sets high enough up from the floor that I will be able to have storage space under...With the right dust ruffle, it will be out of sight.
Sis Smith, you will appreciate this.
After getting home Saturday and getting things around, MR Leonard and I decided we were both HUNGRY!
I had been wanting to try this new recipe, but hesitated because he doesn't like new recipes...I am not sure of the name or even if it has a name.
OK, you take chicken breasts for the number of people eating, kind of go on how much each person will eat. Then you take one of those meat hammers and beat the tar out of it. You want it to be nice and flat, then you take any marinate you prefer and paint the breast, then you add stove top stuffing, I used about 1\3 cup per breast, just prepare as directions state, but don't cook as it will cook along with the breast, roll up, secure with tooth pick, baste rolled breast with more marinate and bake until done...It was easy, got any frustrations out I might have had beating the chicken and the best part...MR Leonard said I could make it again....he he he. PTL....And it was GOOD.
Onto a more serious note. As we approach the presbytery meeting and the Arise Shine, we have a responsibility bloggers to hold up our Overseers, to hold up our leadership, to fast and pray. We cannot be slack, as Bro Wilda says, IT IS NOT BUSINESS AS USUAL any longer with THE CHURCH. The Bible says even the gates of hell shall not prevail against The Church. The Church will go on with or without us. AS I know all of you do, I want to be amongst the Bride. Let us seek the LORD as is our reasonable service.
CAMP CAMP CAMP, Yes camp starts this Wednesday. This will be the first time I have gone to camp since Kasey moved away. I am looking forward to it, but also and am little nervous. I am anticipating a wonderful time in the Lord. The getting together again with our extended families is always such a blessing..The kids bring such enthusiasm and excitement with them, it is SO infectious..If the Lord lays on your heart this Northwest Regions camp, please pray for the safety of our travelers and that they come expecting. This will probably be last post until next week out. Love and prayers to all, God Bless you each one and keep you safe in HIS cocoon of love and hope....Blogging out.


Momma Tammi said...

Sis. Katie, I won't be able to make it to our camp, but I will be praying for it and all those who will be traveling to it. I pray that each one will be blessed and their lives changed as only God can change them.

Glad to hear that you were able to complete half of your mission. God will provide the right mattress and bedding. God be with you this week. Love ya...MT

Momma Tammi said...

Thank you so much for the card. It came in the mail this morning. It was such an encouragement.

Is that _103 or _003 in your street address? I left out the first number on purpose.

Have a wonderful time at camp. Thank you again for thinking of me. You are such a sweetheart. Love ya...

Katie said...

4003. Wow that was quick. I think there is a ministry in encouraging one another. Have a great day. Tell your spouse that I enjoy his posts....oh happy day..our God is ALIVE!

Momma Tammi said...

I agree. I'll pass the word to my husband.

Katie said...

Amen. I used Kiko Man, it actually is for stir fry, but neccessity is the mother of invention. I thought I had what i needed but, alas, used the kiko man instead, it turned out very nice. Tried another recipe last night. Mr Leonard doesn't much care for breast either, but we have a deal, when I cook, he eats it. Same with him, when he cooks, I eat it.
Praying for you guys...SIS KD.