Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Off to CAMP.....WAHOO

Good Morning Bloggers....Isn't God good to us!
Here in about and hour and a half, I am off to camp! This will be the first year that I have gone to camp w/o Kasey. I am excited, yet realizing that all that we say and do have an impact. This year I am helping with the Childrens crafts. Our kids are SO precious, they are so pure, so honest, so trusting, I want to NEVER disillusion one of these little ones. Please pray for us as we travel, pray for our teachers and students, pray for our staff and mostly pray that everyone is coming ... EXPECTING a mighty move of the Lord.
We had a wonderful service last night. It was our Mission Service. I took our scriptures from Phil 4:8, Matt 5:16 and Phil 4:9. Basically talked about as the scripture states...Thinking on these things. How our thinking effects not only us, but those we come in contact with. How depending on what we think about that our light to this world can be diminished, and how if we think on the things of the Lord and not let our minds wander, that if we keep our minds and hearts stayed on the things of the Lord, that HE will guide us and direct us and how HE will enable us to get the job done that He has called each of us to do....What a privilege it is to work for the Lord. I am so thankful for HIS mercy, HIS grace and HIS long suffering.
Please keep my spouse in your prayers. He doesn't fare well, when he is home alone. I love him dearly and it is hard to go off and leave him, but I know that the Lord is EVEN able to care for him.....Love and prayers to all. until we meet blogging again...Happy trails, and God Bless.


Juls4Him said...

Have a wonderful time! I will pray for all to go just as the Lord would have it. I will be leaving for my trip on Monday so will talk to you when I return on the 20th. God Bless you my sister!