Thursday, June 29, 2006

Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick Tock

Hello All, good to be back.
The time spent with my children was a blessing, it went by way to fast though.
Kasey filled you in on all the goings on, so will move on.
After dropping them off at airport we left to visit friends in Pocatello.
We went 4 wheeling both days we were there, had a great time. Nice to visit old friends.
Got back home Tues evening in time for Church. Seems like if I miss one service, I have missed a whole week, was good to be back and hug necks.
Back to work on Wed, was slammed!
Made Zucchini/banana bread last night. One for neighbor that baby sits my doggies and one for new neighbor....and of course one for Mr Leonard, he even complimented me on how good it was!
Thurs morning, 7:23 AM.
RISE and SHINE and Give GOD the GLORY, GLORY, RISE and SHINE and Give GOD the GLORY, GLORY, RISE and SHINE and Give GOD the GLORY, GLORY, Children of the Lord.
I love the Lord, I love His Mercy, His Grace, HIS LONG SUFFERING, but HE won't strive with Man always. . . I am reminded of what Bro Kevin said at camp...We make our choice, would we lift the lid and drop someone into hell? Do we want anyone to live face to face with the devil for eternity? Have I missed and opportunity to tell some one about Jesus, have you? Tick Tock, Tick Tock, time will not stand still.
Share the Blessing of Jesus with someone today....After all, didn't someone share HIM with you...?

Friday, June 16, 2006

Please Pray

Kasey was in an fender bender this afternoon. She was rear ended. She is fine, other than a headache. Please pray for them as they travel this way.
Happy Father's day.

Fair Maiden, Prince Charming, Princess in Waiting.

FYI...I will be off line from the 16th through the 27th. My children are coming home for a week..........WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! It seems as though it has been FOREVER since they were here last, only 6 months, sure seems longer.........I will try to check in and read your blogs.
I love you each and everyone and will continue to pray for you as the Lord leads.
I will miss you as I truly enjoy reading about and sharing the experiences you blog about your lives.
God Bless you and keep you, until we meet and prayers, sis katie.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Please Pray

My nephew is 15 and has had his colon removed. He went in yesterday morning for some reconstructive surgery. Upon entry into his abdomen, they discovered that his intestines are kinked. They are not sure of why this is, could have been from birth. He was unkinked, then sewed back up. They will try again in 6 weeks to do the reconstruction. He is not saved. I love him dearly and want him to know the Lord.
Also my friend from Pocatello has stated that spiritual head way has been made with her daughter. Please pray for this daughter to totally and truly sell out to our Lord and precious Savior.
Let us all continue to pray that our overseers will come to unity one with another as they follow the leading and guiding of the Holy Ghost.
L&P, Sis Katie.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Back from CAMP

Well, it is good to be home. I have missed all of you and it has taken me all morning to get caught up with your blogs.
It has been 4 years since I have gone to family camp. What a blessing this camp was for me. I pray for those attending as well.
I LOVE our Spanish brothers and sisters. I have missed them SSSOOOOOOOOOOO much!
Our theme this year was Safari and "Hunt for Truth"!
Bro David and Sis Cathy Hendricks, as well as Bro Ted Kaufman from Montana, Bro Paul Pino from Lewiston and Sis Martha Gallivan from Nampa provided outstanding meals.
Our Deans, women, Sis Sybil Adams and Sis Korina, men, Bro Chuck Slack and Bro Oscar Pimentel, Our camp Evangelist was Bro Kevin Wilson.
I appreciate Bro Kevin, It was first time for me to set under his preaching. He doesn't sugar coat anything. He is a young man and he has a way of reaching the very young and old alike..Thank you Lord for Bro Kevin.
I learned some very interesting things about some Family camps from the past!
As the legend goes, there was a Family Camp held in McCall at a Camp Ground called Quaker Hill...It seems that one idustrious camper tied bed sheets together to sneak out the 2nd story window....Another legend goes about how a certain camper used to really enjoy helping with KP, especially the scraping of excess food off of the trays, until it was discovered that they were really using that KP as a cover for holding a certain boys hand under the food trough! Just those two for now!
I cannot remember the exact count, but I think it was in the neighbor hood of 78.
One of the camp highlights was when the 4 to 11 years olds went on a "safari". One of the guides who shall remain nameless, brought them around a bend and came across and crocodile pit, this paticular guide knowing the treachery of the situation leaped into the air and landed full body weight onto this crocodile and proceeded to wrestle him, till he was able to get the duck tape securely taped around his mouth! The brother of this guide had gone ahead and positioned this paticular blow up croc in a sort of muddy, watery hole, imagine the guides surprise when he found himself covered in MUD!
Another camp high light was when certain staff members were auctioned off to the highest bidder! What the campers didn't realize was what their true prize would be!
One camper for his $ received a 30 minute canoe trip around the lake....Gracie, ask Paul about this one!
Other campers pooled their funds and were able to purchase the kitchen staff, they received a box of twinkies, which had had different ingredients put into the center for unsuspecting campers to bite into, also they received a box of homemade goodies.
Our camp directors were auctioned off and their bidder received a very true rendition of a Sony and Cher classic, I've got you Babe! Hilarious. Of course it was heard that some of the campers were asking..."who is Sonny and Cher"!
This year we had our share of pranks, some of the more notable ones....the girls stole the shower curtains from the mens/boys bathrooms. Bro Chuck stated he was half awake this paticular morning when he realized he was in the shower looking directly across from the Camp Director...hee hee, he mentioned that it was a shocker! Some of the girls had their mattresses thrown up onto the cabins roof!
Yours truly was notified by the head cook that there was a special piece of cake for me, with extra whipping cream, this should have been my first tip off....but, I didn't get it, so i pick up my cake and even take it to the cook to make sure i had the correct one...i was enjoying the conversation at the table and noticed the kitchen staff facing be from across the dining hall, still didn't get it. Finally get ready for the cake and the whipped topping has slid off of cake so put it back on, still not figuring it out....then i start to spread whip cream so it is even on top of cake and hmmmmmmmmm, there is something different, like something hard, one of the cooks who shall remain nameless, had put a white gummy rat in my topping..................EEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
Of course all sorts of food pranks were played. Campers had everything taken from their cabins and relocated...i could go on, but I am sure you have all been there done that. ONE camper took his clear toothpaste and spread it on the toilet seats of the girls bathhouse....only thing is the first to get their was a staff member...she remarked that she hoped it wasn't super glue and then noticed this minty aroma!
The services were moving, we had one camper stand and testify that he had thought he was sanctified last year, but soon found out that he wasn't, this year he stood and said he had been sanctified. My bidder stood and testified that he had received the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
It was great fun and very Edifying as well. The time spent with brothers and sisters in the Lord was a total blessing....IT IS GOOD TO BE HOME.....

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Off to CAMP.....WAHOO

Good Morning Bloggers....Isn't God good to us!
Here in about and hour and a half, I am off to camp! This will be the first year that I have gone to camp w/o Kasey. I am excited, yet realizing that all that we say and do have an impact. This year I am helping with the Childrens crafts. Our kids are SO precious, they are so pure, so honest, so trusting, I want to NEVER disillusion one of these little ones. Please pray for us as we travel, pray for our teachers and students, pray for our staff and mostly pray that everyone is coming ... EXPECTING a mighty move of the Lord.
We had a wonderful service last night. It was our Mission Service. I took our scriptures from Phil 4:8, Matt 5:16 and Phil 4:9. Basically talked about as the scripture states...Thinking on these things. How our thinking effects not only us, but those we come in contact with. How depending on what we think about that our light to this world can be diminished, and how if we think on the things of the Lord and not let our minds wander, that if we keep our minds and hearts stayed on the things of the Lord, that HE will guide us and direct us and how HE will enable us to get the job done that He has called each of us to do....What a privilege it is to work for the Lord. I am so thankful for HIS mercy, HIS grace and HIS long suffering.
Please keep my spouse in your prayers. He doesn't fare well, when he is home alone. I love him dearly and it is hard to go off and leave him, but I know that the Lord is EVEN able to care for him.....Love and prayers to all. until we meet blogging again...Happy trails, and God Bless.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Whale

If you read the front page story of the SF Chronicle,
you would have read about a female humpback whale
who had become entangled in a spider web of crab traps
and lines.

She was weighted down by hundreds of pounds of traps that caused
her to struggle to stay afloat. She also had hundreds of yards of
line rope wrapped around her body, her tail, her torso, a line
tugging in her mouth.

A fisherman spotted her just east of the FarraloneIslands
(outside the Golden Gate) and radioed an environmental group for help.

Within a few hours, the rescue team arrived and determined that she was
so bad off, the only way to save her was to dive in and untangle her ...

A very dangerous proposition......One slap of the tail could kill a rescuer.

They worked for hours with curved knives and eventually freed her.

When she was free, the divers say she swam in what seemed like joyous circles.
She then came back to each and every diver, one at a time, and nudged them,
pushed gently around-she thanked them. Some said it was the most incredibly beautiful experience of their lives.

The guy who cut the rope out of her mouth says her eye was
following him the whole time, and he will never be the same.

May you, and all those you love,
be so blessed and fortunate
to be surrounded by people
who will help you get untangled
from the things that are binding you.

And, may you always know the joy
of giving and receiving gratitude.

Like this whale, we seem to get ourselves at time, "tangled"!
So this day, Thank the Lord for HIS mercy and grace and say
a prayer for those in your life who have been a faithful
friend, prayer warrior and to all and THANK YOU.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Happy Monday

Good Morning One and All.....My mission is half accomplished! Saturday morning I went to a yard sale that had THE day bed I had been looking for, it was basically BRAND new. They had a price tag of $50 on it, I offered them $40. This bed did NOT have the mattress with it..To make a long story short, they accepted my offer...YAHOO!
It is JUST what I wanted....Thank you Lord.
I had to call MR Leonard to come pick it up for me, which he did. I continued on with some shopping and got home to find that my MR Leonard had taken down the futon and had put up the day bed....OH, I was so HAPPY. THE LORD REALLY BLESSED ME!
Now the search is on for the mattress and of course the perfect bedding. I like this bed, because it does not have one of those under the frame mattress thingys. It sets high enough up from the floor that I will be able to have storage space under...With the right dust ruffle, it will be out of sight.
Sis Smith, you will appreciate this.
After getting home Saturday and getting things around, MR Leonard and I decided we were both HUNGRY!
I had been wanting to try this new recipe, but hesitated because he doesn't like new recipes...I am not sure of the name or even if it has a name.
OK, you take chicken breasts for the number of people eating, kind of go on how much each person will eat. Then you take one of those meat hammers and beat the tar out of it. You want it to be nice and flat, then you take any marinate you prefer and paint the breast, then you add stove top stuffing, I used about 1\3 cup per breast, just prepare as directions state, but don't cook as it will cook along with the breast, roll up, secure with tooth pick, baste rolled breast with more marinate and bake until done...It was easy, got any frustrations out I might have had beating the chicken and the best part...MR Leonard said I could make it again....he he he. PTL....And it was GOOD.
Onto a more serious note. As we approach the presbytery meeting and the Arise Shine, we have a responsibility bloggers to hold up our Overseers, to hold up our leadership, to fast and pray. We cannot be slack, as Bro Wilda says, IT IS NOT BUSINESS AS USUAL any longer with THE CHURCH. The Bible says even the gates of hell shall not prevail against The Church. The Church will go on with or without us. AS I know all of you do, I want to be amongst the Bride. Let us seek the LORD as is our reasonable service.
CAMP CAMP CAMP, Yes camp starts this Wednesday. This will be the first time I have gone to camp since Kasey moved away. I am looking forward to it, but also and am little nervous. I am anticipating a wonderful time in the Lord. The getting together again with our extended families is always such a blessing..The kids bring such enthusiasm and excitement with them, it is SO infectious..If the Lord lays on your heart this Northwest Regions camp, please pray for the safety of our travelers and that they come expecting. This will probably be last post until next week out. Love and prayers to all, God Bless you each one and keep you safe in HIS cocoon of love and hope....Blogging out.

Friday, June 02, 2006

On a Mission!

Good Morning One and All.
I am on a mission this morning. It is 6:12AM. I am at work. I am taking my lunch hour at 7:30 this morning, to go to a ...... Yard Sale!
I have been faithfully looking for a Day Bed for my craft room. In yesterday's paper, there were two listed in the Yard Sale section. They are in close proximity of one another, so hopefully, I will find one to my liking!
I just about had Mr Leonard talked into going for me, but he admitted last night that he was afraid he wouldn't get it right. Which I can appreciate. Ladies, has your husband or father or boyfriend ever sent you to the Auto Parts Store, only to realize as you return back with the part, that it turns out to be the WAY wrong part?
So, I am off to the yard sales!
Keep your eyes on the Prize.....AMEN.