Monday, March 20, 2006

Good Morning to all in Blog land.
I had the most wonderful weekend. A long time friend came and spent whole weekend with me. We have known each other longer than most of you have been alive! She came friday nite and we went out to a local oh so good restaurant. Where we had great food and wonderful conversation, also ran into a couple I used to go to Church with and work for and a young couple kaseys age that I watched grow up, they all did the rodeo/queen contest thing together, it was great to catch up on old times.
Sat morning we got up early and went in to Church for prayer, then we SHOPPED till we Dropped and ate way too much was great. We spent 3 hours in Savers which is a local thrift fact we did all the local thrift stores...WAHOO!
Sunday morning she got up early and left for home, I was a little bummed, got around and went to Chrurch and was blessed with a wonderful Holy Ghost service, his remark to us that some of us were serving Him from afar.. the alter filled and a lot a folks were really blessed including me! WAHOO
I had my band service at 5pm before evening service, Sis Wilda brought the message. It was a wonderful time...
So here I am back at work on this Monday morning, still praising the Lord, for HIS MERCY, HIS LONG SUFFERING and HIS GRACE...happy blogging one and all.


Kasey said...


wemmies said...
