Sunday, November 09, 2008

This is my Mr. Leonard....on the left holding the 2 smaller
salmon. The 2 gentlemen on his left holding the 90#
halibut are his buddies that accompanied him to Alaska.
Mr. Leonard caught the and prayers to all.


Bobbinoggin said...

holy stinking smelly fish batman, those are HUGE!!!

it's nice to see a picture of mr. leonard. he still has a lovely smile.

there's a piece of that smile that always reminds me of his ornery, jesting nature.

good luck with your hat. post us a picture of your in-progress work if you can. :)

emily said...

Those fish are ginormous!

Vic said...

OH MY GOODNESS...A fish that big would pull me in!! Love to eat fresh fish though, it would probably be worth a good cold dunk...