Thursday, November 22, 2007


Good Morning
What are you thankful for?
I look at the word Thanks-giving, and I thank of the many things I am thankful for.
The Church
Baptism of the Holy Ghost
My Husband
My Kasey and Damon
My Family
My Church Family
Friends, True Friends
My Job
My Home
all of these things and more, much more.
As i travel on this day, I think of the lost souls, what are they doing this thanksgiving, do they have families and friends who love them, who know the Lord, but have not told them of Jesus?
Then I look at the word Thanks-giving again, and I ask myself, am I giving of the Lord as the Bible tells me, to go ye forth into all lands preaching the gospel? Am I taking for granted, so great a gift of salvation? Am I doing my reasonable service/duty?
Someone did theirs for me....have I been GIVING back?
To me, that is what Thanks-giving is about, giving of the gift of Jesus. Giving of the time the Lord has allotted me to give. Time is running out. When we stand before the Lord, will we have anyones blood on our hands?
This is not meant to drag anyone down, this is meant to encourage, to remind, to exhort...on this day of Thanksgiving, ask the Lord to put someone in your path, that you can share the greatest gift ever given....going forward purpose in your heart to reach out. WE are being watched. We say we are Christians, are we just talking the talk? or are we walking it too?
Jesus is the way, He is the truth and the only way to God the Father...AMEN
Happy Thanks-Giving.