Wednesday, June 10, 2009

In His Hands

This is the day that the Lord has made, I shall be glad and rejoice in it!
The Bible says to praise Him in all things, that He knows what we need before
we do and that His ways are higher than our ways.
Seems like to me that we have the directions on how to live this life
He has given us in His Holy Word......Why is it that we still have such a hard
time of doing just that? We are human that is why, and on this road
to perfection, we are going to make mistakes, we are going and say and
do things that aren't right. I remember my my Mother always saying, honey
I always love you, but I don't like you right now!
Jesus, always loves us, and He will not play games with us, time is too
short! Let us make right our wrongs and press on to the mark of our calling in HIM!
I don't know what lies ahead for me, but I do know that as long as I am hanging on to
Him and keeping his commandments that He will help me through whatever I face.
We will dissapoint each other, but Christ will NEVER let us down, His word says
that He will never leave us nor forsake us. I am thankful this morning that I
am one of the chosen. I desire to be pleasing in all that I say and do.
I long to make heaven my blessed this day.


Gargantua said...

Anibody should be in love to give its best. Something that worths a life. Something that spreads love in others lifes.
I think being in love is the only clue. My humble opinion.
I thank you for this blog