Monday, May 04, 2009

Where does the TIME GO!

Can you believe it? IT IS MAY ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Mother used to tell me, times flies when you are having fun! SHEW!
We are in the 5th month of 2009, it is going so FAST!
I have 16 days left to work, before school is out for the summer.
It has been 13 years, since I have had summers off....I am not sure what to
do with myself. I am thinking of asking for a migrant route, that would
take up 6 weeks, I think, I could then deal with 6 weeks off this summer.
3 weeks before the migrant route and 3 weeks after the migrant route!
I know in that time frame, there will be family camp and convention and
Mr Leonard wants us to make several trips to the hills to get firewood for the
winter. I hope also to get a trip in there sometime to my BFF in pocatello to go
4 wheeling for a couple of days....but I am not on my own schedule, I am on the
Lord's. So I will wait and see what it is HE would have me to do.
Hope all is well in blogland......ME.


Ashley said...

Haha, I missed you too! :) Glad to hear things are going well!