Sunday, February 15, 2009

This is the day the Lord has made, I shall be glad and rejoice in it. This song is going through my head. Then this scripture from Hebrews 2:3a how shall we escape, if we neglect so great a salvation?
I have LOTS of friends who say they are Christians, they think that because they don't cheat, lie or steal, and that they are good to people and obey the laws of the lands, that they will make heaven when they die.
I wonder if at times we decieve ourselves into thinking this way? The Bible says that we are called, that we are choosen, that to make heaven our home we must first admit that we are sinners and ask Jesus to forgive us and then ask Him to come into our hearts. But it doesn't end there, we must follow after Him, we must keep his commandments. We must die to self, this is a hard one for me. There are times when I am so pooped, that I just want to set down and rest. But, there are those who haven't heard about Jesus and His saving grace. Who will tell them, what if we all decided we were just too tired to tell others of Jesus? What if the day I learned of Jesus and you learned of Jesus, the person decided they were just too tired?
Oh Lord forgive me, help me to remember the day I was saved. Help me to remember where I came from. Help me to remember that my rest will be in heaven, not in this earthly life.
Even though, I feel that I am of no use, of no value, the Lord has put me here for a reason and that reason is to tell others about Jesus Christ. Yes, there are those who will hate me for my stand, but God will give me the grace to stand. There are those who will go to the other side of the road so as not to have to have a conversation with me. But, it is not about me, it is about the greatest gift I have ever recieved, that gift is salvation. Jesus died for me, and He died for you/ When you hear that knock at your hearts door, open it and let Him in, YOU will never be sorry!
He didn't promise us that it would be a walk in the Rose Garden, but He did promise us that it would be worth it to serve Him and tell others of Him.
I love you Jesus.....This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.