Saturday, February 21, 2009

25 Random Facts

1 I LOVE when the Holy Ghost moves during services.

2 I LOVE the silence and do not have the radio or cd player on when driving in the car.

3 I LOVE the smell of fresh cut hay, thunderstorms, and my sweaty horse.

4 I LOVE when my dog spike, looks at me like I am the only thing that walks.

5 I sleep with my bedroom door shut and my window open in the winter.

6 My absolutely favorite candy is See's milk chocolate bordeaux.

7 I love very early mornings, with the birds singing, and very late evenings when the crickets
are chirping.

8 I have two best friends.

9 I LOVE to ride my bike.

10 I like surprises of any kind, I like to try to figure out
what the surprise is.

11 I loved when I was little and we lived on the diary farm in New Plymouth.

12 I used to ride cows when I was little, I would get on one and the rest would follow us
into the milk barn for milking.

13 I LOVED to torment my little brother, till he got bigger than me and returned the favor!

14 I very much enjoy going to different parts of the country and listening to the different
accents in peoples speech.

15 I am an avid people watcher.

16 I wanted to be a nurse, a counselor and a veterinarian, when i grew up. None of those came to

17 I was my daddy's boy. Meaning I was a tomboy, and wanted to do everything with daddy.

18 I love to watch children, when they get what you are teaching, love, love that.

19 I have one fear and that is the un-known.

20 I want my husband and daughter, to be proud of me in the WORST way.

21 I love my alone times, when it is just me and it is quiet and no one wants anything from me.

22 I LOVE making people happy.

23 I want to have my actions speak louder than my words, in other words I want to walk the

24 I love to stand outside when it is raining in the spring.

25 I very much enjoy, Cara Mocha frappes from Moxie Java.

Melissa, i tag you, what are 25 random facts about you.


Bobbinoggin said...

uhm.... didn't I do 25 random facts on facebook and tag YOU? do I have to do it again? ;)

sorry I didn't get this until now.


Bobbinoggin said...

okay, I tagged your daughter and thought I tagged you too, but apparently I didn't. oops!

I went ahead and tagged you, but I'll also post them here if that's alright. :)

1. I absolutely loath expectations. The worst is when I realize I have expectations for myself. Rebelling against yourself is an odd cycle, let me tell YOU.

2. HOUSE, M.D. and LIE TO ME are my two favorite evening shows as of late.

3. I'm 11 weeks pregnant.

4. My Grampa, my Dad, FDR and Eleanor Roosevelt are four of my top heroes from this planet.

5. We're not going to name our baby after FDR or Eleanor Roosevelt though. :)

6. Backpacking is a more spiritual experience than church service ever will be for me. If I could have made a living backpacking, I totally would have.

7. Peanutbutter is one of my best friends. I can't wait 'til this salmonella p/b ordeal is over!

8. Noel is one of the bestest friends I ever had. And I've known her for 10 years now. Amazing.

9. When I'm brushing my teeth, I like to bend my knees until my ankles pop.

10. My husband is my optimism and extroversion. He reminds me to give humanity and myself, a break.

11. I did barrel racing, poles, goat tying and showmanship with horses as a kid (and I'm allergic to hay). <--so I really don't like the smell of hay katie. haha

12. I was on a bowling league when I was in elementary school.

13. I learned to snowmobile and fourwheel in first or second grade.

14. I used to roast my own coffee and I know how to operate a commercial coffee roaster.

15. I built my own computer.

16. I installed my own car speakers, cd player/receiver, and amp in my car.

17. Trying to swim the breast stroke makes me panic, because water gets up my nose and makes me forget everything. And it makes me feel stupid.

18. I long to visit India.

19. I have low blood pressure.

20. By the time my baby is born, I will be 30 years old.

21. I thought I'd never have children, and then my sister gave me my first daughter.

22. When I look at doll houses and barbies, I think about how I could put them in a toy room FOR ME!

23. In February, we will be DEBT FREE! (no loans, no car payments, no credit cards, NADA)

24. My Dad was my inspiration for finances. Dave Ramsey is our accountability advisor for follow through.

25. I am convinced that our economy is where it is because of indulgence in tools like debt. We could learn a lot from our grandparents.

Kasey said...