Saturday, January 10, 2009

Praise Him in ALL THINGS

Good Morning Bloggers

It is a beautiful day here in Idaho, the skies are clear, it is cold, the sun is just starting to rise.
I am praising the LORD in ALL THINGS.
When Kasey and Damon were married, and she moved away to make her home with him, I was devastated. All I had known for 21 years was taking care of that girl, hauling her from one end of the state to the other rodeoing, whatever the reason was we were together doing everything.
The point i am trying to make is...i spent so much time worrying about her, was she ok, will she be alright, does she miss me too!
Had i spent that time praising HIM in all things, that time of seperation would have not only been easier on me, but i would have had a growth in the Lord. I missed out on both!
The Lord is well able to take care of ALL of our needs, HE sees the BIG PICTURE! HE holds the beginning and the end, rest in HIM this day and everyday and PRAISE HIM IN ALL THINGS.
God Bless each of you this day as you endeavor to serve the Lord and the people HE puts into your lives. YOU may be the ONLY BIBLE someone will see today!