Thursday, January 01, 2009


It is 1:14 AM MST. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just a few thoughts to share.

Have you reflected on the things in 2008, that may have been a hindrance,
in your walk with the Lord? Have you thought about the things that were
accomplished this past year for the Lord?

This year, 2009, I want to live is such a way as to bring others to know of HIM!

As is customary, tonite, we had a watch nite service. The question was posed to us,
what thoughts do you have for 2008 and what do you desire, or intend to do in 2009?

I want to Praise the Lord, for the trials, the blessings, the failures, the times where I felt
like no matter what I did, it was all WRONG. I want to praise the Lord, for the times of
teaching, the times of correcting and the times to lean on HIM and learn from HIM.

It seems that words cannot begin to describe the JOY I have in my heart, because,

For 2009, I want to be in HIS will, that my lite, that HE has given me, would shine
a little brighter in this dimming world....but even more than that, I want to PRAISE HIM in
ALL THINGS. Praise HIM, for HIS goodness, HIS mercy, HIS long suffering, HIS grace, HIS
LOVE for me. I thank HIM, that HIS love is so tangible and that HE LOVES ME!

I don't know as anyone reads this blog anymore, if there is someone who still reads, remember, HE LOVES YOU, HE died a horrible death for you, and you know what, if you were the only human alive, He would die that horrible death for you! That is how much HE loves you. That is how much HE loves the Father.

We have been given and Example, to model our lives after, that example is, Jesus Christ. These days, it is not very popular to stand for Jesus Christ, but as the boys of the feiry furnace....let me stand for You Jesus, I love you.....blessings to one and all, this New Year.


Kasey said...

I read. :) mim u