Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Glimpse of H I S T O R Y

The gospel can be summarized by an overview of our H-I-S-T-O-R-Y:

H—How it all began: A good creation (Gen. 1:31)

I—Iniquity. Sin entered creation (Gen. 3) and grew.

S—Selection. God selected a people to be a channel of His grace, yet they rebelled (Rom. 9:1-5).

T—Truth. God sent messengers of truth but they were mocked and murdered (Matt. 23:37).

O—God's only Son. Christ lived and died for our salvation (John 3:16)

R—Redemption. Christ dying on the Cross for our salvation (Gal 3:13).

Y—Your choice. God's salvation is freely given to anyone and everyone who will receive him. (John 1:12).

No matter what your history may be, the God of all history desires that you come to faith in Jesus.


Leaning on the Beloved said...

I've heard it said, "History is HIS-STORY"...as the God's hand is behind all and it truely is HIS_STORY.

hugs, Sis. B