Friday, August 17, 2007

Cherokee Legend

Do you know the legend of the Cherokee Indian youth's rite of passage?>
His father takes him into the forest, blindfolds him and leaves him> alone.>
He is required to sit on a stump the whole night and not remove the> blindfold until the rays of the morning sun shine through it.>
He cannot cry out for help to anyone. Once he survives the night, he is> a MAN.>
He cannot tell the other boys of this experience, because each lad must> come into manhood on his own.>
The boy is naturally terrified. He can hear all kinds of noises. Wild> beasts must surely be all around him. Maybe even some human might do him> harm. The wind blew the grass and earth, and shook his stump, but he sat> stoically, never removing the blindfold. It would be the only way he> could become a man!>
Finally, after a horrific night the sun appeared and he removed his> blindfold.
It was then that he discovered his father sitting on the> stump next to him. He had been at watch the entire night, protecting his> son from harm.> >
We, too, are never alone. Even when we don't know it, our Heavenly> Father is watching over us, sitting on the stump beside us.
When trouble> comes, all we have to do is reach out to Him.> >
Work for the Lord, the pay isn't much but the rewards are> great and the retirement is out of this world!!!


Bobbinoggin said...


didn't know you were in the land of blogs, but it's good to find you here just the same. maybe this will help me keep in touch with you a tad more. :)

you can see my corner of the world here. love,me.

Bobbinoggin said...

tomorrow is my dad's birthday, but i'm not sure how excited he'll be over the day--since grampa went back to the hospital today.

very frustrated and sad right now. keep hoping and praying he'll get better and i can't imagine how disgruntled and frustrated he is feeling over everything. i wish i could do more, but we live so far away. i drove down to see him while he was at st. luke's in boise.

can't say i've ever had anyone super close to me get really sick before. but i've always tried to see gramma and grampa as much as possible and have tried to tell them how dear they are to me. i know you've made grampa think a lot with the conversations you two have had as of late. this is all good and i hope you will keep our family in your prayers, continually.

Bobbinoggin said...

p.s. from my conversations with grampa, i'm not sure he really understands sin and the need for salvation. he continues to say, "i've always considered myself a good person." that he truly is. but dad-gummit, that's not good enough. :(

Michael said...

just wanted to say hi